12.0 Learning Objectives

Teachers should dedicate enough time during the class to teach and develop the students speaking skills and abilities. It is essential to give the students ample time to learn how to talk and communicate orally using the English language. Most EFL learners do not have an opportunity to practice English once they leave the classroom. What is essential with younger students is finding the balance between teaching them language during controlled and guided activities and, at the same time, allowing them to enjoy the natural talk.
In their language, younger students can communicate intentions and reactions, express emotions, explore the language, and make fun of it, so they assume to be able to do the same in English. However, getting students to learn how to speak English may be the most challenging skill for instructors to teach.
We cannot assume what they want to say. Their choice is limitless, and we cannot judge what they say or want to say. Teachers find that beginners will naturally include their native language when they cannot find the words in English. If teachers want their students to continue thinking about English only as a means of communication, they cannot expect to be able to predict what language the children will use.
After completion of this section you should be able to
- Understand how to introduce and present new language orally.
- Understand how to use key strategies for Improving EFL and ESL student speaking skills.
- Know the characteristics of speaking activities and how to use them in the classroom.