Leading Hybrid Teams: Best Practices From Fortune 500 Firms

Master hybrid team leadership best practices of Fortune 500 leaders taught by world-renowned expert on hybrid teams

Who is this course for?
Current and aspiring leaders (executives, managers, supervisors, intrapreneurs, and entrepreneurs) who want to dramatically improve their skills in leading hybrid teams using Fortune 500 firm methods will get the most benefit from this course, as case studies and examples are best suited to their needs Leading hybrid teams is the key new skill that leaders must master for leadership success in the new normal for your bottom line and career: the future is hybrid.

Unfortunately, our intuitive leadership style is adapted to in-office collaboration, and is poorly suited to hybrid teams. Our gut reactions on hybrid teams can’t be trusted, as revealed by research in behavioral economics, psychology, and cognitive neuroscience.

So how do the leaders of Fortune 500 companies make the right calls on leading hybrid teams to achieve their business objectives? They follow evidence-based best practices on leading hybrid teams and returning to the office as revealed by such research. In this course, you will master techniques for leading hybrid teams drawing on cutting-edge behavioral science and real-world best practices from Fortune 500 companies.

After taking this course, you will:

  • Master the best practices in leading hybrid teams used by Fortune 500 leaders to seize competitive advantage for their bottom lines and careers 

  • Discover how to collaborate and innovate most effectively in hybrid teams, while holding team members accountable for deliverables 

  • Develop a plan with specific next steps to adapt for yourself the best practices used by Fortune 500 companies for leading hybrid teams 

  • Arrange the most effective post-vaccine return to office through a hybrid-first model that maximizes your business objectives 

  • Learn the dangerous judgment errors called cognitive biases that undermine successful hybrid team leadership and how Fortune 500 firms defeat them 

  • Gain the skills to maximize productivity, engagement, retention, and morale for hybrid teams for your team's bottom line and your own career 

  • Feel truly confident about whether you make the right calls in leading hybrid teams to achieve your desired leadership goals
BK · July 1, 2022